Satellites-Orbits and Missions [Capderou, 2005] (softcover)

This book treats the subject of satellite orbits, showing how the wide range of available orbits can be put to use to satisfy the needs of fields as varied as communications, positioning, remote-sensing, meteorology, and astronomy. Contents Ch. 1: Keplerian Motion Ch. 2: Satellite in Keplerian Orbit Ch. 3: Satellite in Perturbed Orbit Ch. 4: Motion of Orbit, Earth and Sun Ch. 5: Orbit and Ground Track of a Satellite Ch. 6: Orbit Relative to the Sun, Crossing Times Ch. 7: Orbit Relative to the Earth, Recurrence and Altitude Ch. 8: View from the Satellite Ch. 9: Temporal and Angular Sampling Ch. 10: Satellites of Mars Ch. 11: Satellites of Other Celestial Bodies

Price: $80.00
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